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Simple Self-Care Tactics for Breastfeeding Moms

Self-care for new mothers can be difficult to come by, either because there never seems to be enough time or because of increasingly challenging parenting duties. However, it’s crucial to care for yourself even during these busy days of short naps and long feedings, because it will allow you to recharge and focus on this special time with the baby. If you’re breastfeeding, you may be feeling the stress that comes with latching issues or nipple confusion, or you may simply be exhausted from handling all the feeding duties.

There are some simple ways your partner can help, however, and you can also tackle a few self-care tactics that will banish stress so you can be the best parent you can be. Today, Babyz Corner shares some of these tips to help you on your way.

Create Some Balance

It’s always tricky to find work/life balance when you’ve just been through a major life change, but doing so can help prevent stressors from following you around. If you’ve just gone back to work after maternity leave, take a hard look at the way you handle workplace situations. Do you take on too much because it’s hard to say no? Do you find yourself trying to multitask in order to get things done because you’re doing several jobs yourself? Learning to delegate can help, and business owners should also consider designating a proxy to act on your behalf at work.

Also, saying “no” diplomatically when someone asks for your time and energy can help boost your productivity and allow you to relax at home without worrying about checking emails or answering calls. Reducing that stress can help you get into a better headspace when it’s time to breastfeed, which can improve your bonding time with the baby.

Get Comfortable

Even with less stress, it can be difficult to enjoy your time with a newborn if you’re uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are lots of clothing options available for new mothers these days that are supportive yet breathable, including nursing bras, leggings, and underwear that helps you stay cool and comfy no matter what the day throws at you. Investing in some of these pieces will give you confidence while also helping you relax so you can focus on the task at hand. You can also try different positions with the baby to reduce the stress put on your arms, shoulders, and neck.

Ask for Help

Speaking of comfort, it will be extremely challenging to relax if your home is cluttered or messy, yet it’s often hard for new mothers to tackle chores and feeding/pumping duties at the same time. Not only that, clutter can lead to an unhealthy environment for both you and the baby. Don’t be afraid to ask for some help from friends and family members, and talk to your partner about how they can assist you with household tasks or by providing assistance in some other form. If you have other children, they might keep the kids occupied while you and the baby are having feeding time, or they might set up a little snack and drink station for you besides your favorite chair. You might work out a routine that allows your partner to handle some of the feeding workload, such as making bottles after you pump.

Stay Healthy

A snack-and-drink station is a great idea for those times when you can’t move around, but it’s important to stay hydrated and eat healthy foods all throughout the day. Utilize a reusable water bottle so you can keep track of how much you’re drinking, and look for protein-packed snacks that will keep you going throughout long days, especially if you’re going back to work.

You should also do your best to stay active. For instance, depending on your area’s walk score – that is, how easy it is to walk to your destinations – you might also consider leaving the car at home so that you can get some fresh air and Vitamin D while getting your steps in.

Becoming a breastfeeding mother can be an extremely rewarding experience, but it also brings challenges that affect both physical and mental health. Talk to your doctor about any changes so you can come up with a treatment plan that works for you.

Babyz Corner was founded in 2021 during the time when Coronavirus was the biggest challenge faced by humanity. If you have any questions, let us know!

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Katherine Williams
Katherine Williams knows that one of the most difficult things about parenting is taking good care of yourself so you can take the best care of your children. She created When the Baby Sleeps to help parents prioritize self-care so that they can be there for their kids. She knows that finding time for self-care as a parent never gets easier, but she hopes the advice and resources shared on her site will help her visitors be their best parenting selves.
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