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Fun Ways to Keep Baby Calm During Feeding Time

Some things are worth splashing out on…Keeping a baby calm during feeding time can be one of the most challenging parts of being a parent. Whether it’s the first time you’ve fed your baby or if it’s been several weeks, feeding time can be an exhausting experience for both parent and child. Baby crying and struggling to eat is not only frustrating; it’s concerning. After all, what parent wants their child to go hungry?

Keeping your baby calm during feeding time will help make the process much easier for both of you. However, as parents, we know that things never quite go as planned. Even with the best intentions and preparations… things happen! There are times when your little one may struggle to take their bottle or breastfeed from you because they are simply not ready yet. They might also be too hungry, which can lead them to constantly cry for more food or turn their head away from you when you try to feed them again.

What Should You Look for When Choosing a Baby Bottle?

When you’re choosing a baby bottle, look for a product that is Bisphenol-A (BPA) free. BPA is a chemical that is found in plastic bottles and can release toxins that can be harmful to your baby’s health. Next, you want to make sure to pick a bottle that’s appropriate for your baby’s age. While some bottles are designed to be used from the beginning, others are designed to be used when your baby is a little older. If your baby is premature or younger than 4 months, you’ll want to use a bottle that is designed for a newborn. The nipple size will also make a difference when it comes to keeping your baby calm. The nipple should be wide enough so that your baby can take in the breast milk or formula without a struggle, but not so wide that they can easily gulp down the whole bottle in one feeding.

6 Ways to Keep Your Baby Calm During Feeding Time

If you’re struggling to keep your baby calm during feeding time, try these tips. Start by preparing for feeding time by turning on a quiet, soothing lullaby. Make sure to turn the volume low so your baby isn’t startled by the sound. You can even get a book that is designed for parents and babies to read together! Getting your baby used to the sound of a consistent noise will help them stay calm during feedings. Next, make sure that you have a well-lit room with a quiet environment. If you have a baby who is born in the winter months and spends a lot of time indoors, they may be too hot or cold. Your baby may be too hungry to feed if they’re over- or under-stimulated. You’ll also want to keep your baby hydrated throughout the day. They are consistently growing and using calories, which means they’re producing a lot of waste that needs to be flushed out of their system. It’s important to keep them hydrated so they don’t get sick. If you’re breastfeeding, make sure that you’re not over-tired. Your baby will likely know when you’re feeling extra tired and hungry because they are also feeling it too.

Try A New Feeding Position

If your baby is crying and struggling to eat, one of the first things you can try is a new feeding position. Make sure your baby’s head is supported and their spine is straight. If you’re breastfeeding, try breastfeeding in a different position. Some babies do better when positioned on their side. If you’re feeding your baby with a bottle, make sure the bottle is at a slight angle so the formula doesn’t go straight to the back of their throat. You can also try warm water or pre-mist the nipple and the top of the bottle with warm water. This will help your baby’s mouth and the bottle to be more comfortable.

Sing Together During Feeding Time

If you’re struggling to get your baby to eat, try singing with them. It’s a great way to calm your baby down and get them in the mood to eat. If you’re breastfeeding, you can sing to your baby as you feed. If you’re bottle-feeding, you can sing to your baby before you offer them the bottle. It’s important to choose a song that you’re both comfortable with. Make the song short and sweet so that your baby doesn’t get too bored. If you have a long song, your baby may become restless or tired. While you’re singing, try to make eye contact with your baby. This will help them to stay calm and will also help them to focus on your words. Children learn language through the sound of words, so singing is a great way to help your baby learn.

Play Music Or Turn On the Tunes

If your baby is crying and struggling to eat, try turning on some music or turning on a nature sound. Music is a great way to calm and soothe your baby. It’s also something that can be used in any circumstance and any time of day. If you don’t want to listen to music, try turning on a nature sound like the ocean or rain. These noises are very soothing and great for keeping your baby calm. If you’re breastfeeding, you can try having your partner play music or a nature sound in the background. Having a consistent noise will help your baby feel more comfortable and relaxed. Make sure that you have the noise low enough so that your baby can hear you and you can hear them.

Give Them Something to Chew On

If your baby is really hungry, they may be too eager to eat and may fight you during feedings. If this sounds like your baby, try giving them something to chew on. A Baby teething toy is made with a chewy texture and can entertain your baby while you finish feeding them. Alternatively, you can give your baby their favourite food to chew on. Bananas, carrots, or avocados are a great food for your baby to chew on because they’re soft and can be easily mashed between their gums.

Distract Them With an Activity During Feeding Time

If your baby is hungry but too distracted to eat, try distracting them with an activity. If you’re breastfeeding, you can try feeding your baby while you’re standing up. This will keep you both comfortable and will help to keep your baby from being too focused on eating. If you’re bottle-feeding, you can try feeding your baby in a different location. If you’re bottle-feeding, you can try feeding your baby in a different location. If you feed them in the same place every time, they’ll learn to expect to eat there. By moving to a new location, they won’t know what’s coming next, which will help to keep them distracted.

Bottom Line

Finally, remember that during feeding time its supposed to be a positive experience for both you and your baby. While you may be stressed that your baby is crying, crying is the best way for them to let you know that they are hungry or uncomfortable. You can always try a few different techniques to keep your baby calm during feeding time. If you keep calm and try to be as relaxed as possible, your baby will pick up on it. Also, keep in mind that feeding time doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing experience. If your baby is hungry, but they’re not fully ready to eat, try burping them and keeping them calm instead of forcing them to eat when they’re not ready. You can try these tips to help your baby stay calm during feeding time.

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Babyz Corner
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